My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Right, I loved this, another great read from KJ Charles. There it is, my review. Oh, all right.
This was a solid 4.5 star read for me until it came to the ending which gave me smiley tears and thus magically became 5 stars. Nice.
Crispin began his practice (magical training) the wrong way and was almost condemned as a wizard which is an evil magician in this world. He’d gotten a second chance but no one seemed to be able to train him in a different form of magic than his own.
Ned, Crispin’s good friend and lover, sees so much good in Crispin but Ned hates Crispin’s practice. Then again, Ned can hear magic. Hmm.
Ned and Crispin. Different races, different classes, one hunky and tough, perhaps the other not quite so much. And yet, together they defeat an evil wizard (or two). Also the fabulous Stephen Day shows up in this tale as well.
Great conflicts that kept the story tension going right until a lovely ending. I look forward to reading about these two men again.
*Copy provided by the publisher through NetGalley for an honest review.*
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